First lets; clarify; I am not Mexican nor any in my family and friend group; however it has been a long long time since we catch kids movie able to captivate 5,6,7 or 8 year old girls and boy and the parents that took them. Just the quality, colors and artistry of the images; makes the movie worth; but the subject matter is even more impressive. How many times you were able to really laugh on a subject matter like death and make children (and adults) happy with an adventure that is pure entertainment but also gives a quite poetic look at life and dead. In brief; take your children to see it as an excuse; you probably will enjoy it even more. Forget PIXAR formula products; this is just a masterpiece
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
Book of life is one of the most colorful and original set designs I have every seen in an animated movie, especially in that is CGI animation.This movie toke a real surrealistic style to the character design in order to pay homage to Mexican culture.It's a classic fairy tale being told in a story within a story manner, with a museum tour guide telling a group of kids a fairy tale of three children who lives will effect the center of the universe, aka Mexico, when Gods gamble on what type of people they would be as adults.Although as a semi-musical, the Glee approach in mixing in original content with contemporary hits kind of lessened the originality of the flick, but as a whole the movie was quite entertaining.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
If only the plot of The Book of Life were as creative as the animation. Even though this movie is based on old folklore from Mexico, it feels like the same old story from Hollywood. Also, even though it purports to honor ancient traditions, this movie repeatedly belittles those same traditions. The Book of Life is an example of unfulfilled potential.